Sunday, May 17, 2009

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


i know, i know, it's very cliché to say that my favroite photographer ever is Annie Leibovitz, but it's true. My favorite aspect of photography are portraits. Portraits capture emotion and life. It has so much more depth than scenery or still life. Plus, she's excellent. I mean look at John Mayer in this picture. I don't think anyone can take a simple pose in black and white and make it show so much feeling. I would give anything to follow her for a week and watch how she works and learn her technique.

summer school...

starts tomorrow. fml.

Monday, May 11, 2009

the hills

like any other true red blooded american, i enjoy the hills. i do not enjoy speidi. even in "real" life heidi gets on my nerves. as soon in the photo, reason numero uno. ok, im sure LC was full aware she was being photographed, but at least she didn't pose like a self-proclaiming douche bag. i dont know, i guess wanting to be famous via a reality show just gets on my nerves. pretty trivial, right?

got this at

Sunday, May 10, 2009


for mother's day i wanted to go to Fall's Park in downtown greenville for artisphere. it was so cool. so much art and people and funness. we saw brian olsen do his art in action. that was AWESOME!

here are some pictures from today. i love my little girl. im a lucky mom!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

mother's day

tomorrow is mother's day! it'll be my second year getting to celebrate!! i cant believe that. wow. im hoping to spend it in fall's park in greenville with rebecca and kevin. i want to get some good shots of her.

this is mother's day '08

Friday, May 8, 2009

flash back

does any remember inflatable furniture? oh my gosh. i never had any, but i had friends who did. this stuff was so uncomfortable and awkward. it was so hard to sit in them, the whole thing would just flip over. and don't even try to get more than one person on the inflatable couch, wow, that was challenge in itself.

reminds me of spring

I found this picture in my facebook albums when I was reminiscing last night. I do that a lot these days. I guess thats what happens when you have a 1 year old as the person you hang out most with. Any who, I love it. Gerber daisy's are my favorite flower!


i got some surfrider sunglasses from Target today. i dont know why i bought these, i usually don't wear stuff like this, but i got the urge. they're a dark purple and plaid. i think they're cute. here's an idea for ya...

i went and got mom something for Mother's Day and then bought myself more stuff. i love buying cute basic t's. they're so handy!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

i heart youtube

i love youtube. you can find anything. this is from 'taking the stage', the mtv show about artsy fartsy kids from Cincinnati. this is the video of aaron singing to mia (my fav). i love his song!!



i love sugarland. all 3 of their cd's are good, but my favorite it their latest, "love on the inside". they performed the song, what i'd give, at the ACM's. talk about a sexxxxxy song!


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

lets talk film

so i have a nikkormat el. i got it from kevin's step dad, kirk. its pretty swanky. i wanna learn how to use it. the only problem is i cannot for the life of me figure out how to open it to put the film in. i know, i'm a genius, but seriously i've pushed and pulled and tried everything i can think of. so my last resort is to get online and figure it out, because if you can't find it online, it doesn't exists.

Her Morning Elegance

One of my favorites right now...


i always start these things. they last a couple of weeks and i lose interest. so, don't expect much! i'll try to make it look pretty though!!! thats the best part!

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